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The term 'your' relates to TMH service users including a pregnant person and when appropriate, the person(s) who attends the TMH service with them such as a birth partner.


Privacy/personal data

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE respects your right to privacy.  The general information that you have provided TMH as part of your application to attend TMH service(s) will not knowingly be shared with third parties. THE MIDWIFE HOUSE will protect your data from misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, and alteration to the best of its ability. 

Personal data includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, emails, texts and medical information.  The lawful basis for having access to your personal data would be for legitimate interest only.  If you have chosen to utilise a service provided by THE MIDWIFE HOUSE, you have knowingly and willingly given this information to The Midwife House. Any document used with your identifiable personal data is additionally protected by data protection law.  When THE MIDWIFE HOUSE processes your personal data, they will only continue to keep it whilst you use their services and up to 1 month after.  THE MIDWIFE HOUSE is the data controller of your information and remains responsible for the processing, security, use and disposal of it.  If there was ever a breach with your personal data, such as it being lost, accidentally destroyed, or altered without your permission, or incorrectly disclosed, if appropriate, they will inform you and the ICO, explaining the scope of the breach and how it was handled within 72 hours of the breach. The website for THE MIDWIFE HOUSE is operated by THE MIDWIFE HOUSE and Wix.  By using this website, you agree to the content within these policies.  Please note that the information you provide and share through The Midwife House website is encrypted and protected as per Wix's capabilities.  The Midwife House does not have control or influence over Wix's capabilities.  If you share your personal information differently from the website - such as but not exclusively via social media, text, email or verbally, TMH cannot guarantee encryption, others overhearing etc.

If you are under the age of sixteen, a parent or guardian's permission is needed for you to provide your personal information to THE MIDWIFE HOUSE. 


Individual rights

In data law, anyone who shares their data with THE MIDWIFE HOUSE generally has the right to ask us to do something, not do something or stop doing something with their personal data.  You can ask for a copy of the data THE MIDWIFE HOUSE has on you as a SAR - Subject Access Request.  They will respond to your request within one working month of receiving it.  You can object to specific data processing, and you have the right to be informed that we have your data and what it will be used for.  THE MIDWIFE HOUSE will also correct your data if you inform them what they have is inaccurate and delete it in specific situations.



This relates to general data protection regulations and is written into UK law through the Data Protection Act 2018.

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) because they will or may use and/or process information about people who use/access their service.


Intellectual Property

We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in our site, and the material published on it. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

You may print off one copy and may download extracts of any page(s) from our site for your personal reference. You may draw the attention of others within your organisation to material posted on our site. You must not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded it in anyway, and you must not utilise any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accommodating text.

Our status (and that of any identifiable contributors) as the author of the material on our site must always be acknowledged. You must not use any part of the materials on our site for commercial purposes without obtaining written permission.

If you print off, copy or download any part of our site in breach of these terms of use, your right to use our site will cease immediately and you must return or destroy any copies of material you have made. Reliance on information posted, commentary and other materials posted on our site are not intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed.

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by any visitor to TMH's website, or anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.


By joining THE MIDWIFE HOUSE, in any capacity such as, but not exclusively - face to face, virtually, prebooked or drop-in services, reviewing the website and/or social media posts, you have agreed to be filmed, recorded, photographed or have data collected for sales, marketing or promotional purposes. It is your responsibility to inform THE MIDWIFE HOUSE in writing if you decline consent for such use prior, during or after the collection of such information/recording.


Information about you and your visits to our site

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE possesses information about you, as above. Visits made by you are governed by our Terms & Conditions and Policies.


Terms of use for The Midwife House website

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE has an expectation from you / your guest to have read these terms of use carefully as your responsibility to using this site.  This includes Terms & Conditions for external search engines such as google who collect analytical data etc and who are not affiliated/managed by The Midwife House.  This also includes the use of cookies for The Midwife House website and any search engines etc that you choose to use and other sources in addition to the website such as but not exclusively - emails for the booking process, digital money exchange, reviewing the website and/or social media platform, cookies and data collection/footprint.

When you use or access TMH services, you accept the terms of use, and you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the TMH website, social media and/or services.  TMH accept that there are circumstances that require sensitive adaptations.  If you require adaptations, please inform us to enable us to work with you safely.  Please note there is no expectation to disclose full content for adaption need.


Information about us

This site is operated by THE MIDWIFE HOUSE.  Throughout the website, face to face, virtual, social media posts and/or service provision, The Midwife House will also be referred to as TMH.  All aspects linked to TMH as a title, have the same legal expectation, Terms & Conditions & Policies as The Midwife House.  The two terms are exclusively linked and not independent of each other. Accessing TMH's website is permitted on a temporary basis and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend the service we provide on the website without notice. TMH will not be liable if for any reason, the website is unavailable at any time or for any period, if a social media post is removed or altered or if there is a service change removal. From time to time, THE MIDWIFE HOUSE may restrict access to some parts of the website or the entire website and may remove or alter access to social media or future/current services. When using the TMH website, service users must comply with the provisions of TMH's acceptable use policy. Service users are responsible for making all arrangements necessary to have access to the TMH website. They are also responsible for ensuring all persons who access the TMH website through Internet connection are aware of these terms and that they have to comply with them.


Logo Use

Permission must be obtained from THE MIDWIFE HOUSE, to use the name and logo in any publication, endorsement, product use, advertisement, company association, written and/or online.  The Midwife House must authorise your request before use of name and/or logo.



The TMH website changes regularly as TMH aim to update its content regularly and may change the content at any time. If the need arises, TMH may also suspend access to the TMH website or close it indefinitely without prior notice. Any material on the TMH website may be out of date at any given time.  TMH hold no responsibility for your use of this material and are under no obligation to update content.


Liability and variations

The material displayed on the TMH website, any other platform including but not exclusive to face to face is provided without any guarantees, conditions or warranties as to its accuracy. To the extent permitted by law, other members of our group of companies and / or third parties connected to TMH hereby expressly exclude all conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute common law or the law of equity.

Any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by any user in connection with the TMH website or any other service combination, in connection with the use, inability to use or results of the use of the TMH website, websites linked to it and any materials posted on it, included, without limitation any liability for example: loss of income, revenue loss, business, loss of profits, contracts loss, anticipated savings loss, loss of data or goodwill, wasted management or office time or for any other reason or damage of any kind (however rising).


THE MIDWIFE HOUSE may revise the terms of use at any time by amending this page. TMH service users are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes TMH make, as they are binding on you. Some of the provisions contained in these terms of use may also be suspended by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our site.


Uploading material to the tmh website

It is not permitted to upload material to the TMH website, social media platforms or any other communication forms to have contact with other users of the TMH website. Service users must comply with the standards set in our acceptable use policy. Anything uploaded to the TMH website will be considered illegal and done so without consent. You do not have the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose.

TMH has the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any material posted or uploaded by you to our site constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or their right to privacy.

TMH will not be responsible, or liable to any third party for the content or accuracy of any content posted by you or any other user to the TMH website. TMH has the right to remove any material or posting you make onthe TMH website if in the opinion of TMH such material does not comply with the content standards set out in TMH's acceptable use policy.

Viruses, hacking and any other offences must not be used. Misuse of the TMH website, social media platforms or other by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logistic bombs or any other material which is malicious or technologically harmful is not permitted.

You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the TMH website, the server on which the website is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to the TMH website.

You must not attack the TMH website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial of service attack. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act of 1990. TMH will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and will operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them in the event of such a breach. Your right to use the TMH website and other TMH communication options will cease immediately.

TMH will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial of service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programmes, data, or other proprietary material due to your use of the TMH website or other TMH communication options or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or any website linked to it.


Linking to the tmh site 

You may link to the TMH website homepage, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage TMH's reputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on the part of TMH when none exists.

You must not establish a link from any website that is not owned by you.

The TMH website must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of the TMH website (other than the homepage) without prior written agreement.

TMH reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

The website from which you are linking must comply in all respects with the content standards set out in our acceptable use policy.


Links for TMH website

Where the TMH website contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources, and accept no responsibility for them or any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.


Jurisdiction and Pliable Law

The English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from, or related to, a visit to our site, although TMH retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of those conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country. The terms of use for any distribute or claim in connection with them or their subject matter or information (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by a law in accordance with the law of England and Wales.


The Midwife House Acceptable use policy (AUP)

This is a document stipulating constraints and practices that a user must agree to when accessing the TMH website and other services / resources, online content, virtual face to face or other practices. It also states what you can and cannot do when using the TMH website, services / resources etc. The Midwife House will apply these stipulations regardless of how you access them through a personal device or otherwise.

The AUP states what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and actions. Violations of the AUP may result in The Midwife House accessing legal processes should a user be noncompliant with their terms of use.

The Midwife House AUP has the following stipulations for users of website, workshops, and other services / resources:


1) You must not violate any law when using the service / site.

2) You must not attempt to disrupt security of any network / site or within any service provision.

3) You must not post commercial messages to user groups within WhatsApp groups or other options linked to The Midwife House service.

4) You must not send junk email messages or spam.

5) You must not mail bomb a site in order to flood the server.

6) You must not attempt to steal intellectual property from The Midwife House or its business site premises.

7) You acknowledge that legal action may be taken if The Midwife House AUP is violated.

8) You accept The Midwife House AUP complies with applicable laws.



This AUP absolves The Midwife House from responsibility for a data breach, malware and / or viruses, or other issues. If a violation of this policy is found, legal action may be taken with enforceable law accessed. Appropriately communication with you will occur.


TMH supports education for all.  This includes, in some instances the presence of associated learners such as student midwives, volunteers and those with a relevant interest in the maternity field.  From a safeguarding perspective, their presence is for their learning only.  Permission will not be granted for any service provision by said volunteers/students under any circumstances and their presence is for observational educational awareness only.  They will be expected to maintain relevant confidentiality, behave in a professional manner and uphold the reputation and expectations of TMH at all times.  They will not be alone independently without the presence of TMH midwives during our service provision.


Legal Status and Activities

The Midwife House is a start-up business who aim to provide a service to maternity and health service users for the purpose of education and support. Its mission is to contribute to society through information sharing, skill teaching and open communication of realistic expectations in the pursuit of ‘gap-filling’ service provision currently existing for a number of mainstream service users in the UK.


The Midwife House will always act in accordance with The Code as created by their professional body - The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC).

The Code is a document detailing the standards of practice and behaviour for midwives, nurses and nursing associates.  The Code is structured with four themes - Prioritising People, Practice Effectively, Preserve Safety and Promote Professionalism & Trust.  Together, these themes unite to signify what good nursing and midwifery practice looks like.


TMH's midwives will only provide a service they are qualified and competent to. They will signpost and refer as appropriate, including but not limited to safeguarding, police services and/or social services.  This signposting relates to the duty of care as outlined by the NMC.


TMH's midwives are both registered on the relevant part of the NMC register.


Social media policy

TMH has Social Media accounts with Facebook and Instagram.  TMH has full administrative responsibility of their accounts and will post in accordance with the rules and regulations of the site and UK Law.  TMH posts are intended to be helpful, kind, beautiful, fun and/or positive.  All social media content is intended to positively support brand reputation, the term 'midwife' and our profession, regardless of the post process - blog, forum, post etc.

TMH and The Midwife House are both copyright terms and as such cannot be used without direct consent.  TMH will uphold copyright law (if appropriate) when signposting to content not directly produced by them.

TMH will use their social media platforms to:

  • Promote their business

  • To share relevant content with their users

  • To signpost to relevant associated sources 

  • TMH will only post images of people(s) who have consented to the use of their image.


TMH will not use their social media platform to:

  • Promote personal use

  • Share confidential content

  • Support ANY post that contravenes the rules, laws and/or TMH's expectations, including content of complaints.

  • Condone posts (including spam) supporting a negative expression for diversity, inclusion and/or cyber bullying.  Additionally, TMH condones posts using ethical slurs, personal insults and obscenities and conduct that would not be accepted in TMH's workplace.  Unacceptable content includes political material, competitors and other such areas.


Social Media Crisis Management - A TMH social media scandal or crisis would be an event that has caused or threatened to cause damage to TMH's reputation, the midwifery profession and/or TMH's core values.  TMH will respond as quickly as possible, reporting the event to the relevant authorities and/or remove the post, image and/or content as appropriate.

TMH would access relevant legal advice with regard to taking action against the person(s)/company who are behind the post including employees/contractors/volunteers of TMH.

TMH will keep all employees and users informed of the crisis management by being open with their management response.


Anti-Slavery & Anti-Trafficking Policy

The Midwife House has created an Anti-slavery and anti-trafficking policy (stated below) to reflect its commitment to combating slavery and human trafficking.

The Midwife House has created and stated its policy below to ensure that modern slavery considerations remain embedded appropriately within its business planning. The co-founders of The Midwife House have read guidance produced by the Royal College of Nursing file:///C:/Users/louis/Downloads/009-300.pdf and accessed & completed training by e-lfh entitled ‘Identifying and Supporting Victims of Modern Slavery’, to support their competency with recognising and actioning appropriately around the topic of ‘modern slavery'.

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking whereby individuals are deprived of their freedom and are exploited for commercial or personal gain as defined in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The Midwife House is committed to combating slavery and human trafficking and seeks to act with integrity personally and as a business. It expects the same high standards from any contracted workers or associated staff / business it is connected to.

The Midwife House acknowledges the risk external links to The Midwife House may have regarding hidden or unknown forced labour and the risk of being involved with modern slavery but deems the risk to be low due to only working with others who also take responsibilities to combat modern slavery seriously.

The prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery is the responsibility of all those working for/with The Midwife House, and appropriate diligence in relation to modern slavery is an expectation for all who work with/for them.

The Midwife House has made it a priority to access and complete online training regarding Modern Slavery.

The Midwife House expects anyone to raise any concerns about modern slavery appropriately.

The Midwife House recognised the differences in the law for those under 18 years of age or who are deemed to be under 18 years of age, regardless of what is implied.

The Midwife House will continue its commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Any breaches of this policy may result in The Midwife House taking disciplinary action against individual(s) and/or terminating its relationship.


Slavery Policy February 2023

In accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, The Midwife House is required to prepare an anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement for each financial year, setting out what steps it has taken to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in its business or supply chains. The Midwife House statement for the financial year ending February 2024 and for each subsequent year is available if requested.



Your concerns – if you have any concerns about material which appears on our site, please contact THE MIDWIFE HOUSE.


safeguarding policy

TMH will follow the law of the land and the expectations of the NMC in regard to their duty of care to safeguarding.  TMH take this role seriously and will seek additional guidance and/or signposting to the police, social services, education, healthcare providers, legal advice and other as appropriate.

TMH believe protecting infants, children, young people and adults from harm is a legal, moral and professional requirement.  TMH has a responsibility to everyone who engages with TMH services to feel safe and protected. 

TMH may consider alternative ways to deliver content to ensure safeguarding.  If TMH users, staff or people who work with, for or around TMH has a concern about the safety and wellbeing of themselves or another person, TMH encourages them to discuss their safeguarding concerns with a TMH midwife or external service provider such as the police.

Safeguarding is concerns with four areas:

  • physical harm or abuse

  • emotional harm

  • sexual abuse

  • neglect

As midwives, TMH are aware potential safeguarding concerns link to previous social services involvement, particularly with an on-going open case, suspected or known domestic violence, reduced capacity in parenting, being under the age of 16 whilst pregnant, involvement with sexual exploitation / trafficking, implications for some pregnant person if they have been a looked after child themselves, life style choices that could be consider risky in the presence of a newborn such as  untreated addiction, personal / sibling experience of FGM, concealed / denied / late booking o clinical care, victims of modern slavery, poor engagement with services, history of health / personal or other issues and inadequate seeking of treatment.​


TMH midwives are committed to responding when safeguarding concerns are recognised. As registered midwives, TMH midwives are legally required to follow safeguarding laws.  TMH will participate with safeguarding laws 2 yearly.

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